
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month: Here’s Why Family Dentistry Is Important

Feb 17, 2022 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Prevention, Whitening

Family Dentistry Summerville SC

While any month of the year is the right one to celebrate pediatric oral care, the American Dental Association (ADA) makes it official every February for National Children’s Dental Health Month. This month-long national health observance promotes the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers, and beyond.

At Smile Advanced Dental Center, we also take the month as an added opportunity to educate our community about our family dentistry practice in Summerville, SC. After all, the importance of routine dental cleaning and exams for children along with sealants and fluoride treatments cannot be overstated. By starting kids off early with regular appointments and good oral health habits, we can all help them enjoy great smiles for life.

Kids’ Dental Cleaning and Exams

While it might be easy to assume that children don’t need a bi-annual dental cleaning and exam, it’s actually very important. Not only does it help set the right habits for kids, starting from a young age, it also can make a big difference in the development of their teeth.

During each six-month visit, your child’s teeth are cleaned and checked for signs of dental problems, such as tooth decay.

“We like to start pediatric dentistry as soon as the first teeth come in, because kids just need to be monitored more,” says Dr. Stephen Parker. “With young children, their teeth are so small that they can go from no cavities to lots of cavities in six months. We also like to track how a child’s teeth are coming in — to identify any potential issues.” Having early visits also helps the child to become accustomed to receiving dental care.

Family Dentistry Summerville SC

Dental Sealants for Kids

Speaking of cavities, kids are still learning how to brush and floss their teeth effectively, which means plaque and food debris can more easily collect in their premolars and molars. If it is not removed, cavities can result.

This is where dental sealants can help. In fact, this year’s National Children’s Dental Health Month theme is “Sealants Make Sense.”

A dental sealant is a preventive dental treatment that protects teeth by blocking out the bacteria and food debris that can lead to tooth decay and cavities. The sealant is made of a clear or tooth-colored resin material, which is painted onto the chewing surface of the tooth. The dental sealant forms a smooth coating over the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface, which also makes it easier to effectively clean teeth with normal brushing.

“We often recommend dental sealants for children between the ages of 6 to 12 — generally on the permanent molars as soon as they come in,” says Dr. Parker. “And, as a side note, we may even recommend dental sealants for adult patients whose teeth are more prone to decay or have suffered from decay in the past.”

Dental sealants are quick, painless, and easy to apply during an office visit.

Fluoride Treatment for Kids

Every day, bacteria, sugars, and acids constantly attack and de-mineralize the enamel of teeth. But fluoride helps to combat this. It is a mineral that is naturally found in water and in many foods — and it helps remineralize tooth enamel to protect teeth from decay.

In addition, fluoride can strengthen young teeth as they develop to make sure they are strong and healthy. “This makes fluoride very important for children as their teeth grow in,” says Dr. Parker. “In our family dentistry practice, we apply the fluoride topically in varnish or rinse varieties — and it’s another easy step we recommend for our pediatric patients.”

The family dentistry team at Smile Advanced Dental Center in Summerville, SC, is practiced at making children feel comfortable and understands that it’s important to build a positive, trusting relationship between a child and their doctors at a young age.

Make National Children’s Dental Health Month the reminder you need to not only re-establish good dental hygiene habits for your kids at home, but also to schedule a regular checkup with us.